
THCV Distillate

(2 customer reviews)


THCV Distillate

THCv Distillate with 95% THCv. The distillate is tested for heavy metals and pesticides, ensuring excellent quality and purity. THCV, or tetrahydrocannabivarin, is a rare and unique cannabinoid known for its potential health benefits, including potential appetite-suppressing . THCv distillate with a 95% THCv content. THCv (tetrahydrocannabivarin) is less psychoactive than common THC, with its effects manifesting at higher doses.

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THCV Distillate

Our THCv Distillate isolate is 99% distilled, hemp-derived, and available in small or bulk quantities. Order online at DIstillate Uk today.

Our THCv isolate is available in small or bulk quantities and is a distilled THCv isolate that is actually a mix of both Delta 8 THCv and Delta 9 THCv version. It’s available in quantities up to 5 kg/month. Typically ~95% Delta 8 THCv and ~5% Delta 9 THCv.

About our THCv Isolate

Our THCv distillate is the highest quality tetrahydrocannabivarin on the market. It’s an extremely viscous oil that behaves as a solid and will shatter at room temperature. Store in a cool, dark place out of direct light.

What is THCv Isolate?

THCv is the abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabivarin and is a “minor” cannabinoid typically found in small quantities in cannabis. It can be intoxicating in some but not all individuals and its intoxicating qualities can vary when taken in different quantities or alongside other compounds. Little is known about the short and long-term effects or safety of this compound. Delta 8 THCv and Delta 9 THCv can occur in the cannabis plant, but it is not found in these high of concentrations. Do not consume this product without approval from a doctor.

Is THCv Isolate Right for My Product Line?

We know very little about THCv. Its use is completely experimental.

Bulk THCv Isolate Production Capabilities

  • Current Production: 5 kg/month
  • Scalability: Dependent upon the need

Isolate Description

  • Type: THCv isolate
  • Total THCv Concentration: 99% or higher
  • Δ8THCv Concentration: ~95%
  • Δ9THCv Concentration: ~5%
  • Δ9THC Content: <0.3%

Age Requirements

All purchases require age verification for retail customers only. Please follow the Age Verification step-by-step instructions at checkout. Some purchases may require proof of photo identification. For all questions regarding this, please contact our support team here.

Shipping Exclusions

3CHI retains the right to not ship to any states or territories where local laws conflict with H.R. 2: The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 Farm Bill. Due to Δ8THC either being illegal or not explicitly legal according to state laws, this product does not ship to the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont.

If you want to experiment by yourself

THCv distillate with a 95% THCv content. THCv (tetrahydrocannabivarin) is less psychoactive than common THC, with its effects manifesting at higher doses. Suitable for infusing cannabis flowers or preparing fillings for vapes or cartridges. Maximum quality, thanks to expert production under the supervision of our professionals.

Quality above all!

The distillate is tested for heavy metals and pesticides, ensuring excellent quality and purity.

What are the effects of THCv?

THCv (tetrahydrocannabivarin) is similar to CBD and THC in that it offers a range of positive effects. This cannabinoid may be ideal for individuals battling pain, loss of appetite, or stomach issues, and is also popular for recreational use, relaxation, and stress relief. THCv is additionally useful for improving sleep, its quality, and duration, but may also help in maintaining proper body weight.

THCv destilát 1g

Unlike THC, THCv has more stimulating and energizing effects. Users describe its effect as milder and more uplifting than THC. After consumption, a slight stimulation occurs, there may be a mild increase in euphoria and an increase in heart rate.

THCv destilát 1g


THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin) are both cannabinoids found in cannabis, but they differ in several key aspects. Although they have a similar molecular structure, THCV has a shorter side chain, which affects its interaction with cannabinoid receptors in the body and leads to different effects. THC is known for its strong psychoactive effects, which include euphoria and altered states of consciousness. On the other hand, THCV may act as a mild stimulant and has the potential to offer other health benefits.

Overall, it can be said that although THC and THCV are structurally similar, their effects on the body and mind can differ significantly.

Product Ingredients

Hemp-derived THCV

Premium THC Distillate

THC distillate is a very potent type of cannabis extract that contains a high concentration of THC. Both versatile and discreet, this guide will cover everything you need to know about THC distillate.


THC distillate, laso calledliquid gold, is a highly refined form of cannabis extract that contains a very high concentration of THC. Unlike other extracts, cannabis distillate is purified to remove all the plant compounds, including terpeness, flavonoids, andother cannabinoids, leavingonly THC behind. Theprocessresultsinaclear,odorles,flavorless,andthickgoldenambercoloredproduct thatcanbeused invariousways.1 Weoffer awideselectionofDelta 10 THC productsthatcatertoeverypreference,fromgummies andvapestotincturesandmore. THC-P distillateis an incrediblyversatileproduct, popular among bothpersonal consumers and manufacturers. Distillate oil contains 8090% CBD in addition to other beneficial cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN, CBC, and other terpenes, without the chlorophyll. Ideal for vape products, tinctures, and edibles, Buy THCP Products Online from our lab. Weoffer highpotencyandlabtested THCPProductsatthebest price. OrderNowandgetfastshipping!Solventlesshash rosintakes ice-waterhash and squishes it betweenheat andpressure to obtain a concentrated extract. The result? A flavorfuland potenrosin

Suggested Use

Recipe testing or commercial production of hemp-derived cannabinoid product.

About Made by a Farmer Products

All Made by a Farmer products start with flower grown free of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, containing less than 0.3% THC by weight, per USDA standards for industrial hemp. All biomass flower oils are extracted via solventless methods to produce the cleanest and safest full-spectrum high-CBD and high-CBG distillates, isolates and hashes.

THCv Distillate

THCv Distillate with 95% THCv. The distillate is tested for heavy metals and pesticides, ensuring excellent quality and purityTHC-V (tetrahydrocannabivarin) is less psychoactive than regular THC, with its effects manifesting only at higher doses. Microdosing THC-V can reduce anxiety and paranoia, making it an ideal choice for those looking to start experimenting with cannabinoids. Suitable for infusion of cannabis flowers or preparation of vape or cartridge fillingsMaximum quality, thanks to expert production under the supervision of our professionals.

Additional information


100 ml, 1/4 Pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 Pound, 1 Liter

2 reviews for THCV Distillate

  1. François

    vraiment parfait pour le prix.

  2. Kancy

    CANNOT go wrong for the price. Does the job VERY well 😀

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